Report on the Field Evaluation of Mineral Deposit Model Targets at GSI Geomatics Ahar-Arasbaran Project, East Azarbaijan Province, Islamic Republic of Iran

The Ahar-Arasbaran Zone is located in the province of East Azarbaijan. It is one of the twenty areas chosen by Geological Survey of Iran (GSI) Geomatics Division for grassroots exploration evaluation using geomatic modeling based on the following GSI data - 1:100,000 scale regional geology and silt geochemistry results, and Landsat TM data. Ahar-Arasbaran Zone is the first of several zones where the geomatic modeling was based on the geological environment criteria of the mineral deposit models of the United States Geological Survey (Cox and Singer, 1986) as well as the appropriate geochemical criteria for each model espoused by Dr. Hasani Pak.

داده و منابع

اطلاعات تکمیلی

فیلد مقدار
وبسایت سازمان
کارشناس مسئول داده فاطمه محمد کریمی
سمت کارشناس مسئول داده کارشناس
تلفن مسئول داده 64595
پست الکترونیکی مسئول داده
آدرس سازمان مسئول داده
شهر تهران
استان تهران
شناسه فراداده 59c8036d-603b-43d2-b22e-33ebc3c6c775
تاریخ نشر 1399-03-27
تاریخ بازنگری 1399/03/27
وضعیت رکورد اتمام یافته
زبان فارسی
نرخ به روزرسانی به میزان نیاز